I am replacing the shifter seal on my gearbox. Should I dig deeper and take off the inner cover and replace anything?

Jun 6, 2023
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Hello Everyone!

My 1973 850 Gearbox works fine except for a shifter seal leak. I will take of fthe cover and replace and rebush and reseal the gear shifter and kick starter.

If it were your gearbox, would you go in further and replace anything? I am not sure what mileage it has since ast owner rebuilt but would guess 10 to 15 thousand miles.
I did replace Gearbox output shaft seal when I installed my Alton this year.

If it aren't broke and everything is working good then leave it alone, replace the seals, but draining and inspecting the oil will tell you more.
Do you know if the layshaft bearing has been replaced?
I just found out that the previous owner did replace all the gearbox bearings so I will just do the shifter seal and not open up the box further.

Thanks to all for your advice

While I had the outer cover off, I believe I would replace the kick start shaft seal with the later X-ring type available from most parts suppliers. Are you sure it is the gear shift shaft seal that is leaking? Generally they don't as they are above the fluid level line. However, the kick start shaft seal is below the level and prone to leaks.