How's this for a run of bad luck


Jul 11, 2010
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My wife and myself had 6 weeks looking after a friends house while he was away at Agnes Waters a couple of miles from the historical sea side town of 1770 on the Queensland coast 5 hours drive fro our home also my brother in law also live up there, but this is where my run of bad luck stared.
We loaded the 130 dual cab Land Rover up (we have owned it for over 8 year without any problems) I decided to take the Triumph with us so loaded it on the trailer as we had to make a trip back home ever 2 weeks ( the wife was getting hearing aids fitted) anyway we had traveled the 500ks drive up there got to the begin of the road we were staying when the clutch on the Landy failed, this was at 8 pm and 4.6ks from the house, so unloaded the Trumpy off the trailer to a mates place to get help, we loaded the trailer up with all our gear and left the Landy on the side of the road (blown throw out bearing failed) lucky a good diesel workshop in town so new clutch kit fitted we picked the Landy up the morning we were going for a quick trip back home and back again so decided to take Landy with the trailer and bike that I am going to fix up, got to Bundy which is 126ks from Agnes Waters and blew a hole in the radiator so stuck on the side of the road, a quick call to the workshop that did the clutch job thinking they done something when they took the gearbox out to cause a hole in the radiator, they arranged to get the truck and trailer towed back to them.
We had to be back home early next day so got dropped of at the house we were staying and we jumped on the Trumpy to go home, by this time it as after 5pm when we got going again, then on the way home got done for speeding (not my day) we finally got home after 9 pm to fine all the large trees next door to my back yard had been felled, I nearly cried as I grew up with these trees, a few days later we were back at Agnes Waters then a day later I lost my throw over saddle bags off the back of the bike in between town and the house we were staying they were empty at the time, I retraced my trip but they were no where to be found, someone picked them up.
Anyway back to the radiator they found my head light wiring got caught up in the fan and pulled the hard plug that connects to the right head ligh had put the hole in the radiator so order a new ratiator, when it arrived they pull the old one out to find my inner cooler for the turbo had a Major crack in it ( the turbo has been playing up for a few weeks before that) so was lucky got a second hand one for half the price of a new one.
So now it's time to head back home for good loaded the Trumph on the trailer, packed the truck up and a way we went, didn't get far 65ks out we had a blow out on one of the trailer wheel, so jacked it up on the side of the road to fine I had left the wheel brace for the trailer at home, so pulled the bike off the trailer and did a 60 is ride to Bundy to buy a new wheel brace, the wife stayed with the truck till I got back, finally got the wheel off to put the spare trailer wheel on to find the spare wheel was a diffrent wheel patten, it was the same size wheel but earlier model Holden rim, there was a small outback church where we had pulled up so we towed the trailer to it so it was hidden from the road and we left the trailer with the 2 bikes there and drove the 60ks to get the new tyre fitted to the oginal trailer rim, finally back on the road (a 5 hour trip took us over 10 hours and got home about 9pm that night.
They say bad luck comes in 3s but so far my luck hasn't changed yet, a week later one of my near new Guzi rear shockies blew a seal and being just over 2 years old of course I had to pay them to fix them (not a happy Chappy) and I did let them know my disappointment about it, so what else can go wrong, my luck has to change soon, by the way the trees were felled so they could build another house closer to my side fence, I just feel like selling up and going bush, but I have lived in my house for all my life except when I ran away a few time in my younger days, just glad the beer fridge always has a beer in it.


PS my mate that we looked after his place asked when we are coming back up again, I told him I will never go back there again as its been nothing but bad luck and cost us a small fortune to fix the car and we didn't even get a chance to go off shore fishing on the reefs because of the winds that blew for the 6 weeks while we were up there.
Like you said Ashley...

At least there's cold beer in the fridge...

And you're alive and well enough to enjoy it...

Everything else can be fixed...!
I take life as it comes, there is no good getting angry or agro with things, I found out a very long time ago that it can get you into more trouble than what it's worth, the last few days I been working on the Norton, I did a some mods on my back wheel a few months ago that didn't quite work out so have gone back to the way it was for the last 35 years of running on the Featherbed frame and replace the alloy tray under the seat that my round oil tank is mounted from, it cracked along the front fold so gone back to the old steel tray, so in away it a bit of therapy and of course a few beers while I am working on it helps, so with any luck my luck has changed to the better, but I will wait for a few days before I take the Norton out for a good run, just in case.

If you can't learn to take the good with the bad, life will be rough the entire distance.

"There's always next year"
I always take the good as well as the bad, but after a straight run of 10 bad luck in just a few short weeks and it has cost a bit of money, it does get frustrating to a point, maybe I have upset the all mighty who looks over us, who knows, but I will get over it, I have taken the Thruxton out on a few great roads in the last few weeks since the bad luck has hit, I don't know how I would have got by without taking the bike out for a good run, life is still good for me, able to ride all year round, retired with plenty of time to do what ever I want, a wife that lets me go away when ever I want on the bike or Land Rover, going on long trips to vist old mates and of course having a beer or 2 when ever I like, so in a way I am still very lucky to be enjoying life to the fullest.

If a guy didn't have a bit of misfortune now and then, he wouldn't know how good he's got it! :wink: :wink:
Danno said:
If a guy didn't have a bit of misfortune now and then, he wouldn't know how good he's got it!
Absolutely true.

People who have never faced adversity will never know the feeling of Triumph.

And people with Nortons AND Triumphs know what living the REAL life feels like.
grandpaul said:
Danno said:
If a guy didn't have a bit of misfortune now and then, he wouldn't know how good he's got it!
Absolutely true.

People who have never faced adversity will never know the feeling of Triumph.

And people with Nortons AND Triumphs know what living the REAL life feels like.

Absolutely agree with you there, but I think now my run of bad luck has hit my wife, she suffered a tooth arce all weekend and yesterday the dentist pulled it out and it's not looking good for the wisdom tooth beside it, so a X-ray today to find out for sure, more bloody money and the beer fridge is getting low of stock, but the Norton is getting back together, just the wiring to finish off where it sits in the steel tray under the seat, been over 6 months since I have taken it out for a run.

I feel your pain.


My wyfe has been feeling some tooth sensitivity & pain, and had been advised last year that she would likely need some serious work done. We have zero medical/dental insurance, so it will be a bite out of a nearly empty wallet.
I think my run of bad luck has changed, I was looking for a tap washer the other day, I know I had some spares up in the shed but couldn't find them, searched high and low but when looking for them I found a tin container full of green stuff that I had forgot about, stashed it last year sometime, and it's been a bit dry around here for sometime, must be getting old to forget that the memory is getting bad, now where did I put that beer down.

Wasn't there a guy who said "if I didn't have bad luck, I wouldn't have any at all" ?

I think he was the same guy who said " I spent most of my money on fast women, fast motorcycles, and beer. The rest I just wasted" .

Well its been sometime since the run of bad luck but behold it has come back to haunt me, when I got that speeding ticket on the trip home well unknown to me there is a secret law our beloved GOVT. put in place if you get more than one speeding ticket in less than 12 months they double dip your points and they only let you know by a letter they send you after you payed the fine, here in Queensland we have 12 points and if you lose a few points on your licences it takes 3 years to get them back so now I have 13 points up 1 point over, we get the option to take 3 months suspension and get all your points back or keep your licence with only 2 point for 12 months but if you lose those 2 points in that time you get 6 months suspension of your licence so I have deciced to take the 3 month suspension and come off suspension on the 9th of November a few days before my birthday, its only been 2 weeks so far and the pain it is without being able to ride or drive, so now have to rely on the taxi service (the wife and my youngest daughter to get me around).
The good part about it I can get those jobs I have been putting off for so long and at the moment am rebuilding my mate's 850 Commando motor, I was talking to a mate on the phone a few days before I went on suspension and said to him I should go and buy a pallet of beer to stock up the shed for the 3 months, of course the wife was in the kitchen at the time I said it without her hearing aids in and as I said it this voice yelled out "no you won't be buying any pallet of beer" deaf as a door nail but she can hear when she wants to.
With any luck I might even get back onto the Manxman caferacer rebuild or maybe I am already ahead of myself.

i've been points free for a least a few decades,

get some points here and ins that is crazy to start with goes straight downhill quick $$$$$

ashman said:
Well its been sometime since the run of bad luck but behold it has come back to haunt me, when I got that speeding ticket on the trip home well unknown to me there is a secret law our beloved GOVT. put in place if you get more than one speeding ticket in less than 12 months they double dip your points and they only let you know by a letter they send you after you payed the fine, here in Queensland we have 12 points and if you lose a few points on your licences it takes 3 years to get them back so now I have 13 points up 1 point over, we get the option to take 3 months suspension and get all your points back or keep your licence with only 2 point for 12 months but if you lose those 2 points in that time you get 6 months suspension of your licence so I have deciced to take the 3 month suspension and come off suspension on the 9th of November a few days before my birthday, its only been 2 weeks so far and the pain it is without being able to ride or drive, so now have to rely on the taxi service (the wife and my youngest daughter to get me around).
The good part about it I can get those jobs I have been putting off for so long and at the moment am rebuilding my mate's 850 Commando motor, I was talking to a mate on the phone a few days before I went on suspension and said to him I should go and buy a pallet of beer to stock up the shed for the 3 months, of course the wife was in the kitchen at the time I said it without her hearing aids in and as I said it this voice yelled out "no you won't be buying any pallet of beer" deaf as a door nail but she can hear when she wants to.
With any luck I might even get back onto the Manxman caferacer rebuild or maybe I am already ahead of myself.

In Australia our govt. has refused to further subsidise our car industry, so GM and Ford are about to leave. The industry had tariff protection for about 40 years and so sold a lot of crap to the domestic market, however got better in recent years. What our govt. does not recognise is that our car manufacturing was basically sound and in many ways better than that in other countries. It was an 'opportunity for improvement'. Now it is opportunity lost !