how to post the decal on the speedo gearbox?

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Mar 27, 2011
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dear All,
I found contrasting infos about the original direction to post the decal on the rear speedo gearbox of the Norton Commando.
It seem that the most plausible is upside down, so that you can read it when you turn your head from the top.
Any idea on this?
I have a picture of my original label, but it doesn't show which way up or down it is, it's a close up. But as I remember, it was right side up looking at it from the right side of the bike. That's just my memory. I would think I would remember if it were upside down.

Mine is still on and it is upside down as you look at it. Grease fitting pointing down, label is upside down.
I can send a pic if you need it.
Here you go Lorenzo. Remember this is a 75.
I bought my bike new and haven't changed much. If you have anymore original questions, I'll be glad to help.

how to post the decal on the speedo gearbox?

how to post the decal on the speedo gearbox?
THank you JD75: this is very useful!
Do you think there should be any change with the 1973 750 models?
as I can see, my gearbox is on the other side of the bike, but perhaps this wasn't affecting the direction used to post the decal..

jaydee75 said:
Here you go Lorenzo. Remember this is a 75.
I bought my bike new and haven't changed much. If you have anymore original questions, I'll be glad to help.
Smith's speedo gearbox on 75 is on left side? Appears so from the Old Britts site. Remember the 73 gearbox is on the right side. Might make all the difference. Unfortunately my picture is such a close up, I can't tell, I even tried to relate some of the scratches to a larger picture, but couldn't make it out and I apparently don't have the original of the close up. I was looking for a picture on ebay but couldn't find one. There must be a picture out there somewhere.

I guess if the same gearbox goes on the right side, it would have to be upright with the grease nipple sticking up. Maybe that's why its upside down on the 75.
thank you Dave. Yes, left or right side may make a difference in how they used to post the decal..
I already did a research on internet, but unfortunately to no avail..

DogT said:
Smith's speedo gearbox on 75 is on left side? Appears so from the Old Britts site. Remember the 73 gearbox is on the right side. Might make all the difference. Unfortunately my picture is such a close up, I can't tell, I even tried to relate some of the scratches to a larger picture, but couldn't make it out and I apparently don't have the original of the close up. I was looking for a picture on ebay but couldn't find one. There must be a picture out there somewhere.

JD: I checked and it seems that the gearbox on the 750 in 1973 was still with the grease nipple sticking down. It seems that the 1975 and the 1973 gearboxes were designed symmetrical..

jaydee75 said:
I guess if the same gearbox goes on the right side, it would have to be upright with the grease nipple sticking up. Maybe that's why its upside down on the 75.
Grease fitting on mine on right side points down. The 75 box must be a mirror image of the early ones? I still contend that my decal was right side up. I'd remember if it weren't. I'll see if I can find anything. Give me a day.

OK, my memory is not so good. Here are 2 pictures combined of my gearbox. Top part of pic is box without the decal, after I removed it and had not yet painted the box. Bottom part is the close up of the decal. You can see the red arrow pointing to the same scratch on the box, and it looks like the decal would have to have been upside down on the box, if you get my drift.

Good one Lorenzo.

how to post the decal on the speedo gearbox?

gosh.. you're a real investigator, Dave! Thank you.. ;o)

DogT said:
OK, my memory is not so good. Here are 2 pictures combined of my gearbox. Top part of pic is box without the decal, after I removed it and had not yet painted the box. Bottom part is the close up of the decal. You can see the red arrow pointing to the same scratch on the box, and it looks like the decal would have to have been upside down on the box, if you get my drift.

Good one Lorenzo.

Lorenzo said:
thank you LAB: this looks like the later 1975 gearbox on the left side of JD..

It's actually a 2:1 ratio BG5331/242 gearbox so it isn't an 850 Mk3 unit.
I guess upside down is a relative term. Looking at the gearbox itself, it's upright, it's just upside down when installed on the right side of the bike with the drive pointing towards the front.

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