Help with Belt drive tech, dimensions and weights??

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Sep 15, 2012
For Sir Eddys Race bike we are looking for help on the primary drive, lots of unknowns at this point.

What would be REALLY helpful is some specs for the Belt drives out there,at this point We could really use the following if anyone has access

#1) Front pulley width and a picture if possible (overall width, and dimensions)

#2) weight of a Belt drive primary assy, ie: front pulley, rear pulley, belt and clutch assy

#3) weight of a stock chain, sprockets and clutch assy (we can manage that but it would be handy if someone has some handy they could weight)

#4) any information on alternative gearing in the primary, do some belt kit manufacturers underdrive or overdrive the trans and final drives?

#5) any information or tips on upper RPM limits of belt drive assys,, with the motor turning such high RPMs on a land speed racer, this would be helpful,.

I have only installed one kit on a Commando many years back, but have installed quite a few on Unit triumphs using the MAP Cycles belt drive kits and was really impressed with the quality, One issue is that typically the belt kits reduce rotating mass by a very large percentage, plus the advantage is that if the belt packs it in or gives up,, it typically doesnt take other parts with it.

Im not interested in arguing or having a big debate over belts vs chain for a primary so dont do that on this thread, start an argument somewhere else.
This is strictly to explore our options for a LSR race bike, any help greatly appreciated by the Sir Eddys rocket race team.

Anyone want to donoate a kit for the race bike?
Data off ex-Ms Peel's Haywood type 30 mm belt drive from Kenny Dreer, tested to at least 11,000 rpm and run 2000 miles more. When a belt comes off at high rpm, which is mainly d/t the edges fraying so belt fibers unravels, it packs its whole self behind and around the front pulley/aternator in mass of melt and rubber dust and fiber tangles but not really injuring much else.

#1) Front pulley width and a picture if possible (overall width, and dimensions)
Width with side plates = 1.45" , tooth pulley OD = 3.535", OD of side plates. = 3.825", plate lips .145" proud of teeth tops.

#2) weight of a Belt drive primary assy, ie: front pulley, rear pulley, belt and clutch assy
Al clutch pulley with steel center = ~ 3 lb, Al front pulley = ~.5 lb, belt = ~ .25 lb, so about 4 lb for total drive.

#3) weight of a stock chain, sprockets and clutch assy (we can manage that but it would be handy if someone has some handy they could weight)
?? till out to frosty shed later but factory primary is easy 3x's heavier so guestimate it like ~15 lb total.

#4) any information on alternative gearing in the primary, do some belt kit manufacturers underdrive or overdrive the trans and final drives?
Haywood and Maney drives usually 36T-72T = 2:1 ratio. RGM or Norvil may have different count crank pulleys.

#5) any information or tips on upper RPM limits of belt drive assys,, with the motor turning such high RPMs on a land speed racer, this would be helpful,.
Well if Ms Peel's about like new steady sensitive tach needle indicats ~ 11,000 rpm with needle hard on back side of O peg stop and a blurring of needle swing bouncing off peg is say ~13,000 rpm then when so fast a bounce no blurring completely disappeared fast needle bounce off peg, then maybe ~15,000 tested. Belt held up fine for further use but the SEVERE vibration and distortions backed out one of the front sidle plate screws to score the plate face next to crankcases. Put screw back in and ran it at least another month in winter 2000 more miles, then 1098 Duci's came out so realized blown 750 not up to their sprinting so went with 920 and limit rpm to mid 7000's via a rev limiter. Peel's belt drive is available to donate but has some cosmetic scars on outer clutch teeth chewed up by Alternator nut punching holes in belt but not really injured the inside teeth section the belt actually runs on nearest the tranny side. A chain saw file would clean up the looks, though the WOT sports bike spankings worn off the black anodized coat where belt runs. I'd re-used it but needed 40 mm to hold next Peels torque. Webshots is dead so no photo's to share now.
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