Ham box air filter and single Mikuni

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trident sam

Oct 23, 2012
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Has anyone here fitted a Mikuni VM 34 to a ham box with a single front front plate , what if any problems were encountered , what connecting rubbers etc were used etc ? I fancy fitting one of the RGM reduced width type, but as I don't have any of the original parts I don't want to waste money if it's not feasable.
A pic would be great.
Ham box air filter and single Mikuni

I assume this is what you are talking about.
cut a stock foam air cleaner in half and had a guy in British Columbia make the plate with a single hole in it, the rubber boot is also stock and trimmed to fit.
Look on RGM website for 050001S that looks like what you need. A phone or email to them should let you know more.
Yep, I've seen that cheers.

PS Fast Eddie
Got my Beadling 980 barrels and Omegas bolted on to my Trident now, just waiting for a machining job on the head to come back and it's ready to burn some oil.
I've asked Neil to think about making some Alloy Norton Barrels, at least with his stuff quality comes first.
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