Good riding weather

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Jul 11, 2010
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Just fired up my Norton the other day (has been sitting for a few months while doing some small mods) and took it for a short ride ready for the weekend, but it always happens now we have a cyclone heading our way, if just hit the coast up near Rockhampton about 600ks away and its pissing down here at Brisbane, they are pedicting 300mm to 400mm of rain in the next day or so, I think we already have had over 150mm so far just last night, always happens when you make other plans, well might make a start back on the project bike and thank god the beer fridge is full, to all the Queenslanders effected by this cyclone keep dry and be safe, this is the first cyclone we have had this far down the coast for over 30 years and is the highest ratting a force 5.

-30 Celsius here, beer frozen, truck won't start, and the Leafs just lost again. You can't even fart in public without everyone seeing a cloud of steam trailing you. Southern Ontario Canada.
We got almost 3 feet of snow last week ... right now it's around 0' C and snowing ... come on spring ...
10°F, -12°C in Virginia and going down. Holy Cow. Polar Vortex.
We don't get snow here in our wamer climate, our winters only get down to 6c at night and still about 20c during the days, so we only get cyclones and rain here, so far over 200mm now just in the last 15 hrs, good weather for ducks.

When it's cold everywhere else in North America it's almost always warm here in Vancouver BC, Canada. Did another Commando afternoon run yesterday, it was 60degrees F and sunny. The local ski hills are in real trouble, virtually no snow at all for them again this year, just too warm all winter.
It's been a great winter for riding though.

When yoose guys catch up to the likes of Peel good inviting conditions mean anytime ice, hail or mud not the main forecast, sheeze. But I ain't even close to having something to ride so live it up for me.
Winter can be a mixed bag here .... usually get minimum of 6 months of good riding .... it is a paradise for bikers once snow is gone ... never get to ride year round though ... I saw bikes out in Jan. just after the holiday but then it did get cold ... and winter set in ... Tractor and wood shed has 3 plus feet of snow on roof ... fingers crossed it stays upright ...
On Feb 10th we saw the the upcoming forecast for WV and we packed our clothes, loaded the Commando on the trailer and headed South until we hit warm weather . .Relaxing in Florida, riding bike every day, enjoying life...My brother said they have had 22" snow and was -9 last night. ..Planning to stay here until it warms up at home..Retirement is tough..
Yesterday was good riding weather here. Tomorrow we're supposed to get a foot of snow. :roll:
Very fortunate here in the Charlotte area for the most part. We are going through some record lows right now but they are calling for mid 50's F this sunday. Just a couple weeks ago we hit one day on the weekend at 70. About 50-55 is usually my cutoff temp for the Norton. Anything less and I get on the Goldwing. Without heated anything I can ride that bike comfortably down into the 30's. The big windshield does all the work and the engine creates plenty of heat.
We've had the same early spring in Anacortes also, Glen. We got a day of our usual "800 broken. 1500 overcast, rain & fog" yesterday. They can usually leave that recording on our local airport weather report frequency between late October and mid-April, but this year has been very different. Sure beats whet New England and the mid-west have suffered.

As you say, the ski resorts are really hurting. Snoqualmie Summit (at about 3000 ft) hasn't even opened this season.
Mid 70's (F) for tomorrow in the SF Bay east area. I need to get the Commando out and see how the replacement tachometer works. Maybe find a secluded road to see if it pushes to 100mph easily now that the Lucas RITA problem is resolved.
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