Getting To Know You, Getting To Know All About You


Sep 13, 2010
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Over the past week I have undertaken to ride the Norton on short rides along familiar routs with little or no traffic. We have a nice little 3 mile stretch of new road with a few bends and curves in it. I have endeavored to get to know the feel of the Norton. I had been alternating riding the Guzzi with it's more familiar layout but I think this was a mistake. The Norton is such a different bike. The controls, the foot pegs, the shifter and the brake are all there but just different. I want to be practiced. I want the feel to come naturally. At this point it still feels a awkward.

My wife has noticed (as I have too) that my attention is not as quick as it once was. I get distracted when driving or when presented with a problem that divides my attention. I feel unsure and unsteady and I am not sure if it is me or the bike. I work out regularly but have noticed a similar issue with unsteadiness when getting off the treadmill or when stepping down from a van or off a platform. I have never been accused of being light on my feet but these days it's worse.

On the mechanical side, I noticed today that the right side exhaust nut is finger tight. I need to give the bike a good going over now since I have put maybe 400 miles on it since it has come into my possession.
Over the past week I have undertaken to ride the Norton on short rides along familiar routs with little or no traffic. We have a nice little 3 mile stretch of new road with a few bends and curves in it. I have endeavored to get to know the feel of the Norton. I had been alternating riding the Guzzi with it's more familiar layout but I think this was a mistake. The Norton is such a different bike. The controls, the foot pegs, the shifter and the brake are all there but just different. I want to be practiced. I want the feel to come naturally. At this point it still feels a awkward.

My wife has noticed (as I have too) that my attention is not as quick as it once was. I get distracted when driving or when presented with a problem that divides my attention. I feel unsure and unsteady and I am not sure if it is me or the bike. I work out regularly but have noticed a similar issue with unsteadiness when getting off the treadmill or when stepping down from a van or off a platform. I have never been accused of being light on my feet but these days it's worse.

On the mechanical side, I noticed today that the right side exhaust nut is finger tight. I need to give the bike a good going over now since I have put maybe 400 miles on it since it has come into my possession.
I suffer the opposite effect as I'm instantly into the groove on my MKII and its far more nimble ...and not so much on my modern Triumph these days as it takes quite a few miles on it to adjust to the foot control configuration especially as i favor riding the I tend to semi practice my own type of emergency braking -haul up every time I take her out for control confidence..(Triumph)
Over the past week I have undertaken to ride the Norton on short rides along familiar routs with little or no traffic. We have a nice little 3 mile stretch of new road with a few bends and curves in it. I have endeavored to get to know the feel of the Norton. I had been alternating riding the Guzzi with it's more familiar layout but I think this was a mistake. The Norton is such a different bike. The controls, the foot pegs, the shifter and the brake are all there but just different. I want to be practiced. I want the feel to come naturally. At this point it still feels a awkward.

My wife has noticed (as I have too) that my attention is not as quick as it once was. I get distracted when driving or when presented with a problem that divides my attention. I feel unsure and unsteady and I am not sure if it is me or the bike. I work out regularly but have noticed a similar issue with unsteadiness when getting off the treadmill or when stepping down from a van or off a platform. I have never been accused of being light on my feet but these days it's worse.

On the mechanical side, I noticed today that the right side exhaust nut is finger tight. I need to give the bike a good going over now since I have put maybe 400 miles on it since it has come into my possession.

Attend to the exhaust nut STAT!
Mine pooped early on, I shimmed it with a beer can to get home.

For 20 years I've said: "the lightnigng fast reflexes and keen eyesight has been traded for a WEALTH of wisdom" , "Spidey sense" and such. Be careful, but not afraid.
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Nothing.... I mean nothing feels like a Commando. That being said I have none of the steadiness, coordination, nor attention I once had, but I still ride the beast often. The good things in life always present risks. I wander into dreamland far too often when riding mine. The old Wing is far less intoxicating to ride so most miles go to it. At 70 my focus has slipped somewhat and lots of self checks are needed to keep the tires on the road and me in control.

Attend to the exhaust nut STAT!
Mine pooped early on, I shimmed it with a beer can to get home.

For 20 years I've said: "the lightnigng fast reflexes and keen eyesight has been traded for a WEALTH of wisdom" , "Spidey sense" and such. Be careful, but not afraid.
I have noted the Exhaust Nut. It was not sloppy lose but the pipe could wiggle a bit. I will not ride until I can disassemble, tighten, re-tighten, get it hot and re-tighten and ride it and tighten it again.
Boy you got that right.

I have been managing myself a bit with check lists and self admonishment when my attention strays.
Big Jim,
At 73 I am fortunate enough to ride my bike on an almost daily basis. I live in a somewhat rural area with many roads with hardly any traffic. The main thing I do is to concentrate on riding the motorcycle,period.My reaction time has dwindled with age so I look at every ride as practice from when I went to school 20 years ago.The Norton is a great pleasure to ride and I am having as much fun if not more than I had as a teenager,just not as fast.
Enjoy the fact that you can still ride on a nice motorcycle!
Big Jim,
At 73 I am fortunate enough to ride my bike on an almost daily basis. I live in a somewhat rural area with many roads with hardly any traffic. The main thing I do is to concentrate on riding the motorcycle,period.My reaction time has dwindled with age so I look at every ride as practice from when I went to school 20 years ago.The Norton is a great pleasure to ride and I am having as much fun if not more than I had as a teenager,just not as fast.
Enjoy the fact that you can still ride on a nice motorcycle!
Thanks Mike. That's mostly what I have been doing. My days of riding cross country are over and now it's short rides and motorcycle maintenance that keeps me going.
Thanks Mike. That's mostly what I have been doing. My days of riding cross country are over and now it's short rides and motorcycle maintenance that keeps me going.
I have on one occasion gone off road to cross country MX
...the corner is well known to locals as cow shit corner ...It was an hour after the morning milk where the farmer herds the cattle across the road to the milking shed...luckily no damage done :)