Gauze filter - metal

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Aug 1, 2011
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While installing the new front ISO's I got a few days ago, I figured, I would drain all the fluids and refresh them. I have between 200 and 300 miles on the bike since it was resurrected after 20 years. I thought a short run with the first fluids would be good and the drain them to freshen them up. Well I drained the oil tank and then opened the drain on the bottom. There were a few tiny fragments on the magnet. Nothing to get excited about. I removed the gauze filter. The piece laying next to it (below) was crunched up and sitting inside the center of the gauze. At first, I could not figure out what the piece was. It appeared to be a spacer or shim but I could not figure out where it was from.

Gauze filter - metal

I took a look in the manual and plain as day, it was the damn washer that goes on top of the gauze filter, which is held in by a clip. No clip to be found. Or pieces of it. I put a magnet up inside to see if anything would stick. Nothing. I put my fingers up there to try to feel for anything. Nothing.

I just do not remember if the washer was there when I changed the oil the first time or if I pulled the gauze filter out, cleaned it and put it back in without a clip or washer. I just do not recall. And lesson learned to make sure I check an exploded diagram before assuming all parts are there.

Now my questions are:
Is it possible that this washer has been floating around in there for a while?
What is the potential damage that may have been done?
Is a bottom end exploratory necessary to see if the clip is there?

I just rode the bike on saturday and did not notice any thing out of the ordinary. Keep in mind I have a total of 300 miles on any Nortons, so ordinary is a term I use loosely at this point.


If it lasted this long then likely ok to keep going. Main concern would be pieces blocking oil return out of sump or oil pump inlet port in pump mount face. Could of gone through pump gears leaving chipped teeth and scored walls. Seen that in my 1st Combat eating the cam thrust washer tabs, so Norton made pretty tough pump.
Pull TS cover and pump likely more protective than splitting cases. Other stuff to check in TS cover anyway every 5000 miles the manual says.

Only of the extra sensations of riding a Commando is wondering how long you'll get away with it.
Saddly this is very common. Do a search of the forum for pictures of the many here who have put strong snaprings in place of the flimsy wire one or some solder the stock one in permanently. I went to the store & fit a strong snap ring. Just make sure it's solid in the groove. I think people have found those pesky little buggers in the engine when opening them up.
And a followup.

I am waiting for my head to come back from comnoz. It should be here by the end of the week. So I have again taken some time to do some routine stuff and decided to do yet another oil change. I only had an inch of oil in the tank so most of it ran into the bottom end, anyway. Again I drain it and take out the gauze filter and it had a bit of resistance as it was just coming out. A springy resistance if that makes any sense. Well, the long lost retaining clip was just in sight when I looked up inside with a dental mirror. I got it out with a magnet. As you can read in the above posts, I could not recall if I ever put it on last time and if the washer was there. I think it is pretty safe to say that it was and has been bouncing around in there for about 1000 miles. First thing I thought of was Clint Eastwood's line. "Do you feel lucky, Punk?" I feel pretty damn lucky twice. As you can see, I opted last time for a sturdier cir-clip. I got a whole slew of them at Harbor Freight for 4 or 5 bucks. I believe 1 inch is the correct size.

Gauze filter - metal
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