For the Odd ' if all else fails , Read the manual ' type :shock: , the use of gelignite , tyre irons , crowbars & the like still wont get the head off in a hurry . As theres a Rear Head Stud , with a NUT hidden up in the rear of the Barrel .
( flogged Me Edgefinder's picture here ) < he is on about clearing flash from the through flow centreline holes between the fins , for correct cooling . ANYWAY , the solid bit between the top three fins at the center is the LUg for the Head Stud ,
the hidden nut being up in under there , the 5/16 W Nut ( about 13 mm ( biggern 1/2 ) ) normally needs a ' customiseation ' of a spanner , kinked at the RING END , to get full purchase on the little critter . Special Tool neumero uno .
Now , were were we . Steel Tank . GOOD . That solves That One . Thats all taken care of . We dont have to do a thing there then . It wont melt in a hurry .
:? like a fibreglass one in aromatic fuel .
Is the odd Steel Long Range Fastback tank come up ( they were all steel ) NOT that you need one , unless youve got Fastbacks on the Brain . :? I would be thinking Id be checking if it were in the correct Numbers sequence for the ' R ' type ,
as its pretty much one now , as it were - or is .
Often best to get to the heart of the equation , than do a frankenstien / Robinsons 58 . Bias toward how it originally emerged rather than turning it into something completely differant .