Fed up with my dream bike , Norton dominator 2016

Jul 24, 2016
I got the domi in June and I love it but soon realised it had an oil leak from the air filter .
After waiting 4 weeks they put on the new mod and it soon after leaked oil again . Just waiting to hear back from my local dealer Crazy Horse who have been brilliant .
I just hope they get it sorted soon as I haven't really had time to enjoy it !!
I had the same issues. But I believe the factory are on top of the problem now. Despite a frustrating number of non-fixes along the way there is now a final solution. Your dealer should be aware of it by now.
Hi There its light at the end of the tunnel. I had some problems with mine which the factory took care of. It now runs like it should and I have full confidence in it. I have toured on it, ridden to the shops and everything in between. It is a hand built machine and sometimes thats the problem. Hands get little things wrong, computer robots don't.

Fed up with my dream bike ,  Norton dominator 2016
Garrychap said:
I got the domi in June and I love it but soon realised it had an oil leak from the air filter .
After waiting 4 weeks they put on the new mod and it soon after leaked oil again . Just waiting to hear back from my local dealer Crazy Horse who have been brilliant .
I just hope they get it sorted soon as I haven't really had time to enjoy it !!

Owning a Norton is like having a beautiful, sexy, Italian girl friend.
It’s a very high maintenance, roller coaster relationship with highs and lows.
When things are good, they’re oh so wonderful.
When things are bad, it can be a nightmare.

The problems will get ironed out in time.
Until then, just focus on the highs.
Been there. Done that. Glad I hung in there. I'm having a ball. And I don't own a Dommie. Just a plain old Sport. Norton rose to the occasion and got me sorted out. They are still a relatively small company on the rise. Unfortunately, there's a price to being cool. 8) I remember seeing oil on the floor of the dealerships of Jaguar XKE V12. You wouldn't call that car uncool now, would you? :mrgreen: