FAG layshaft bearing query.

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Jul 24, 2006
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I have a FAG 6203 p63 ball bearing on my layshaft, as recommended by Mick Hemmings, and with the bearing still located on the layshaft but in my hand,I am surprised to find that I can rock the outer casing very slightly.
This bearing has probably about 15,000 miles on it and I've been using a 23t gearbox sprocket.
I assume that this is incorrect and I need a new bearing, but then wondered if this bearing is like this to allow marginal flexing of the layshaft, but I can't remember now how it was when I fitted it.

Does anybody know?
You have to have a new bearing in your hand to compare, but all bearings have an internal clearance and for the roller at least this is C3 which is a greater than standard clearance, this does give a slight rock to the inner and outer but unless you can measure it or compare to a known good bearing you cannot say if its excessive or not.
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Thanks for that Kommando.
I suppose that what you say is obvious really because a "slight rock" of the outer casing could mean different things to different people. Measure and compare is the way to go then. I just thought that the mileage was low for the bearing to be clapped out........which it may or may not prove to be?
Thanks for your help.

The Hemmings bearing is used because the standard bearing pulls the cage apart due to layshaft flex, and it's specified to allow the shaft flex while the fibre cage allows things to deflect axially without stressing the assembly.
I'm guessing that you're seeing this effect?
I don't believe you have a problem - if you can see any evidence of spalling on the races than that's a different matter...
B+Bogus, thanks for that very interesting information. I had wondered about the bearing being able to have some axial movement due to the flexing of the layshaft. I'll have a look at the races and make a decision.
Hi Reggie - 15k miles is low but I think the 23t sprocket is not helping - as the gearbox was designed to host 25bhp originally, we are putting a lot more through now and John Hudson advocated 21t sprocket as max - higher revs will not harm the box but high torque demanded by the 23t sprocket may well do. My mk3 has 18k on its Hemmings rebuilt g/box - using a 21t sprocket - also Redline heavy shockproof oil - Alan (EY NOC)
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