Is there a wiring colour code key plan and fuse description to go with the Euro 3 wiring diagram in the service manual? Euro 4 diagram has these so thought it worth checking.
Thanks Tony, the wiring colour plan now makes sense with the wiring scheme I have. Also, slight aside clearly show the DLR(daylight running link) with a note on how to disable. I am spitting feathers as only recently had it removed despite being told on previous occasions this was not possible. I had chronic starting issues, flat batteries, etc since new but have gone way since disabling the link. I have ridden the bike into work today so hope I haven't spoken too soon!
Graeme I had the same chronic issues from new, near flat battery after a couple of days, not enough poke to turn engine over unless left on trickle charge all the time. I mentioned this to the service dept at Donington when my bike was there and they did some diagnostic tests and found that the parasitic drain on the battery was far too high, in the region of 20mA, they traced it to a bad stepper motor in my speedo so changed it under warranty. Bike has been fine ever since. It doesn't help you much now the factory is no more
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