Double trouble Herb Becker dragster featured in Bike Exif

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Nov 26, 2009
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Not for everyone and only good for straight lines but an interesting build with supercharger no less (God help the poor gearbox).
More info at:

Double trouble Herb Becker dragster featured in Bike Exif
“The bike is built from pieces I had in the shop. I didn’t have any plans to race it—just to start it up, to make some noise and excite crowds.”
“ (God help the poor gearbox).”

it would grenade with full power applied.
Hasn't it get been done before, seem to remember a poster on my bedroom wall when I was young .
You know the young man that took that photograph could blow all you guys in the weeds on a road course. Extremely talent young man. Unfortunately he has brain cancer.
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