I have been watching tRump often on the web and every time he speaks, he reminds me of a below average dude at a bar who has had a few too many. He shouts out his mouth says awful things, most of what he says is not based on facts but on "his" perception of things. Saying things like he knows more about daesh (ISIS) than the generals is a statement a drunk would say, not a presidential candidate, hearing him say he favors unstable countries to have the atomic bomb is irresponsible, but hearing him asking many times over "if we (the US) have the bomb, why can't we use it" is downright irresponsible at best and extremeley dangerous for the whole planet.
His presence has brought out the worse racists out in the open, I don't understand why the good people I have met while travelling would support the hate spewed by this man.
At first, I thought he was brilliant and he wanted to destroy the republican party from the inside, but the more I read about him, the more I saw he was just a bully, a racist and an idiot. He does represent the american dream, meaning he is successful (or he appears to be) but he is NOT a great leader. If it wasn't for his dad and his grand-dad, he would be a poor idiot. While he claims to have created tens of thousands of jobs, he never mentions bilking just as many people with sour deals.
Like it or not, but when Obama speaks, he sounds presidential, his words are well chosen and he speaks wisely, tRump on the other hand is the complete opposite, lies, half truths and insults, off the cuff without any thoughts or structure, he would not make a good president and there is a good chance he would fuck up the whole world INCLUDING the US if he makes it to Washington.