Do it yourself RGM master cylinder resleeve

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Apr 24, 2011
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I had this as part of another thread but this part of it seems to have been lost in the shuffle. I want to better my master cylinder on the 850/3 and RGM says they're backlogged on the actual machining but will sell the kit. I have a drill press and compound vise to hold the work. Is this sufficient to get an accurate bore into the cylinder ? Can any of you report on the success or failure of your efforts with this kit ? Thanks!
I have made my own sleeves, and cleaned the original hole with a drill. But I made a fixture to mount the master cylinder in a lathe tool post and put the drill in the chuck. It might be a bit tricky in a drill press? If you have access to a lathe, you can just lrun up the sleeve, fit it in with loctite and turn up a bobin to fit in end where the lever is and lock it off with the handle bar mount bolts,

Cheers Richard
done two both without problems, used a drill of the original bore size to position the mastercylinder that was clamped on an adjustable drill table, changed the tool to the tapping size, started the tap by fitting it in the machine chuck, blast out with compressed air, assemble dry to check fit, strip, spot of loctite, refit to bike , bleed brakes, then I tied a weight to the brake lever dropped it over the handle bar to hold the brake on left it over night to check for fluid passing the seals , well worth doing brake much improved feel and power to make the tyre squeel.
I actually was planning also to use a drill of the original bore to align the part before drilling. I'm going to try it; I'll chronicle my effort. You may find some spare parts in the classified section if I fail!
? New master cylinders or rebores ? I don't want to have to change the switches.
I swapped my 850 MK1 MC fir a resleeved and powdercoated replacement from Clubman Racing. $200 total. Call them and see if they have a match for yours sitting on the shelf.
KSUWildcatFan said:
I swapped my 850 MK1 MC fir a resleeved and powdercoated replacement from Clubman Racing. $200 total. Call them and see if they have a match for yours sitting on the shelf.

Like them.
Can't edit your quote, good sir. And I'll never catch you, as you are the biggest post whore of all time. There are worse things you could be. :p
KSUWildcatFan said:
Can't edit your quote, good sir. And I'll never catch you, as you are the biggest post whore of all time. There are worse things you could be. :p

You didn't even edit your original post, which shows how lazy you are. :roll:

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