Different kickstarters 750 vs 850

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robs ss

Aug 16, 2016
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Just looking at the AN website and noticed they list two kickstarters - 06-1059 for 750s and 06-4249 for 850s.
Anyone know what the difference(s) are?
The latter is s the mk3 Kickstart, which has a more articulated dog leg to clear the pipes. A bit longer too IIRC.
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Different kickstarters 750 vs 850


Different kickstarters 750 vs 850

No really apples for apples angle.
The latter is s the mk3 Kickstart, which has a more articulated dog leg to clear the pipes. A bit longer too IIRC.
No - the AN site has different kickstarters for 750 vs 850 before Mk3.
Can't see a difference in their photos - so?
The 06-1059/06-1464 kickstart lever assembly was fitted to 750s and 850 Mk1 and Mk2.

850 Mk1A and Mk2A had the same pattern kickstart lever as the Mk3 ('A' models having the black cap/bean can silencers) but without the Mk3 lever's spring-loaded pedal ball detent so the 'A' (06-4249) and Mk3 (12-1018) assemblies have different part numbers.
Different kickstarters 750 vs 850

The Mk3 12-1018 assembly supersedes 06-4249 and can be fitted to non-'A' models.
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My Mk2A kickstart was not the same shape as the Mk3, and didn't have the obvious kink - although it had more silencer clearance than the 750 type, it looked much the same
Just looking at the AN website and noticed they list two kickstarters - 06-1059 for 750s and 06-4249 for 850s.
Anyone know what the difference(s) are?

That I can see in person, the Mk2a 850 item (06.4249) is one inch taller (leverage) besides the altered shape over my 750's ((06.1059).

Edit is add the Mk2a part number.
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The 06-1059/06-1464 kickstart lever assembly was fitted to 750s and 850 Mk1 and Mk2.

850 Mk1A and Mk2A had the same pattern kickstart lever as the Mk3 ('A' models having the black cap/bean can silencers) but without the Mk3 lever's spring-loaded pedal ball detent so the 'A' (06-4249) and Mk3 (12-1018) assemblies have different part numbers.
Different kickstarters 750 vs 850

The Mk3 12-1018 assembly supersedes 06-4249 and can be fitted to non-'A' models.
Thanks Les - explained well!
The late kicker was a very common "upgrade" when early commando's with "forward skewed" pipes were replaced with the aftermarket "straight out the port" pipes. It adversly affected the lay of the mufflers. I had put stainless Armours pipes/mufflers...
Anyone remember Sonny Collier in Tenn? He sent me one with an enclosed bill and I returned a check. In 1988 a genuine MKIII kicker was $75.
I do remember my stock kicker scraping the silencer on my 74 MKII when I put aftermarket pipes on it. Some were worse than others.
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