current draw from podtronic type rectifier /regulator

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Nov 4, 2007
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One of my commando after rebuilding cannot keep the battery charged , so after investigation, i had found a 50 mA current draw , after checking all connection , and undo all of them one by one, it remain nothing , I undo all the wire from the ignition key switch still 50ma drain, so I cut the wire coming from that regulator /rectifier and the drain stop.....? what's your thoughts ? I remenber Jean Droit saying that they could drain , but 50 mA is far too much , it empty the battery in a week !
My Triumph T140 has a mysterious battery drainage too...Didn't realize the podtronics could be the culprit. How to solve?
seattle##gs said:
My Triumph T140 has a mysterious battery drainage too...Didn't realize the podtronics could be the culprit. How to solve?

A 50ma drain is way too much. A bad podtronics could be the culprit.

Make sure the drain is not from a bad capacitor, a leaky Lucas capacitor would be more common. Jim
Is the only solution to a leaky podtronics replacement? I have a Boyer ignition and there are no capacitors on the bike.
Hi , so after more investigation, I can say it is definitly the rectifier/regulator which drained my battery, and to be more exact it is not a podtronic which are good and doe not drain 50mA
, but a replica from "xxxx" , so as seen on the Vincent forum is this a good idea to switch it ( by the ignition key), so when key off no more drainage ? or fit back zener and solid state regulator or buy a real one , on the same time I had checked all the draining current of my bikes and that one is the worst !!!
marinatlas said:
Hi , so after more investigation, I can say it is definitly the rectifier/regulator which drained my battery, and to be more exact it is not a podtronic which are good and doe not drain 50mA
, but a replica from "xxxx" , so as seen on the Vincent forum is this a good idea to switch it ( by the ignition key), so when key off no more drainage ? or fit back zener and solid state regulator or buy a real one , on the same time I had checked all the draining current of my bikes and that one is the worst !!!

I just had a Sparx fail. One diode shorted so I lost one phase of a 3 phase so it still charged but only at high RPM. Replaced it with a Podtronics and have the best charging I ever had. I also replaced the stator with a Lucas since I had ordered it expecting the Sparx stator was bad. It wasn't but had a wire repair so I figured I'd change it anyway.

A quick poll here turned up Sparx failures but few or no Podtronics failures.
across 12.8 car battery
new podtronics out of the box leakage current 0.52 ma
old tympanium 0.82ma
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