Seriously, it would be cheaper and less wasteful to buy a propane torch. You can reuse them as many times as you want as long as they are not broken. It's only soft metal. It's just a seal. Don't waste your time buying multiple sets of copper washers. Seriously!!!! Buy one spare set in case you loose them. RE-USE them.... the proper way is to do this. Do not over tighten, if they leak, tighten slightly more. The idea is the copper is soft, so it will conform to take up the space required to make a seal.
Ask anyone with a two-stroke, vespa guys, dirt bike guys, snowmobile guys -- ask around how many times they have pulled the head off to de-coke (get the carbon off the piston and inside of head. Almost any one who races does this many, many, many, times a year!!!!! ALL USE REUSE THE SAME copper head gasket until it breaks >> which is usually an accident and not from doing it too many times. DO NOT BE AFRAID TO REUSE IT!!!! Dealers only want to sell you more product. WASTE OF MONEY!!!!
HEAT THEM UP GLOWING RED and drop in water. DONE!!! I would not lead you wrong!!! ask any mechanic.
I hope this rant changes your mind... :mrgreen: