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  A few years back I purchased the prototype tank and seat portion (both plastic prototypes from Acerbis (?)) that Kenny Dreer had used in development when he designed the Norton 952 in the U.S..  My  2014 Norton 961 tank is having paint peeling issues, so I'm interested in what you're doing. I keep the items purchased from Kenny on display in my house for their historic (to me anyway) value.  I'm currently trying to fabricate a seat tailpiece to go on a Featherbed frame shaped like the one on my 961 and would like to do the same with the tank, using these prototypes as patterns. The Dreer pieces are visually shaped like those on the 961 but don't have the same configuration underneath.  Of course on my featherbed frame, it wouldn't be shaped the same underneath anyway, but the 961 could possibly work out good. Is there any possible help you could get by using as these pieces as patterns without altering or destroying the prototypes?  I'd be willing to work something out with you on your project.  Kenny Dreer sold off a lot of the equipment he had used in designing the 952. I'm pretty sure Fast Eddie got the flat slide carburetors and the last time I talked with Kenny he was trying to find a buyer for engine castings.  I was unable to help him.

 I also have a 2008 Ducati with a plastic Acerbis tank, and I've had distortion problems with that tank.  My experience is that motorcycle fuel tanks should be steel or aluminum and do not trust plastics or fiberglass. I have no experience with carbon fiber fuel tanks, but I would be leery of a superlight until it's proven to hold up.  Chassis distortion would be a much bigger issue than a fuel tank not fitting easily.

    Thanks, Charlie
