Clutch centre repair? (2016)

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If the O.P. should happen to purchase a 1938 Royal Enfield KX 1140 with a worn clutch centre, he'll be able to fix it even though the new part hasn't been available since 1953.
I'm impressed by self-reliant people.

Yup, respect to Dean. And the main point here, and why he did it, is cos he ENJOYED the process.

Outside of that it makes little sense to most, especially those without the luxury of unlimited spare time !

Dean hasn’t been seen since Jan 21. Wonder how he got in and if the bike got finished ?
Looks like a great job.
I did one once. I coated the outside with Casite hardener before I heated it to medium red and water quenched it. I had to work the bearing surface down a couple thou to get the bearing on after I obviously got it too hot. I had used some stainless exhaust tubing for a shield.
Mine is still on the bike after a couple hundred thousand using steel plates. It is showing some wear but it's still working.
And I still have a scar on my arm after some of the Casite slag got between my glove and my sleeve when I quenched it. Jim
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