Chain oiler

Aug 30, 2006
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Ever since I started using X-ring chains ( DID 520 VX 2 ) I have become very negligent about chain maintenance.
Just a squirt of a spray can every 1 - 2000 km, or so.
But when I recently checked, I found 2 links with excessive play.
The wear was on the inner pin, the one that is supposed to be greased for life.
Opened up a few other links, and the grease was all gone or hardened out.
The chain had well over 30 000 km on it.,
I did some research, and even X -ring chains need regular lube.
There are several automatic or semi- automatic chain oilers on the market, but they all seemed too much clutter to me, so I made something simpler and more compact:

Chain oiler

It clamps on the swing arm and is filled with foam, like used in fuel tanks.

Chain oiler

1 or 2 cc of gear oil, and it starts dripping after +/- 40 sec. plenty of time to put my gloves on and take off.
On longer trips, I plan to do it once a day.
See how it works out next season..
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Ever since I started using X-ring chains ( DID 520 VX 2 ) I have become very negligent about chain maintenance.
Just a squirt of a spray can every 1 - 2000 km, or so.
But when I recently checked, I found 2 links with excessive play.
The wear was on the inner pin, the one that is supposed to be greased for life.
Opened up a few other links, and the grease was all gone or hardened out.
The chain had well over 30 000 km on it.,
I did some research, and even X -ring chains need regular lube.
There are several automatic or semi- automatic chain oilers on the market, but they all seemed too much clutter to me, so I made something simpler and more compact:

Chain oiler

It clamps on the swing arm and is filled with foam, like used in fuel tanks.

Chain oiler

1 or 2 cc of gear oil, and it starts dripping after +/- 40 sec. plenty of time to put my gloves on and take off.
On longer trips, I plan to do it once a day.
See how it works out next season..
How is it possible to lubricate the inner links on a sealed X ring chain?
Your chain oilers looks like it's only gonna lube the outer chain.

I can see from the photo that your chain probably has a tight inner link half way along the lower run.
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How is it possible to lubricate the inner links on a sealed X ring chain?
Your chain oilers looks like it's only gonna lube the outer chain.

I can see from the photo that your chain probably has a tight inner link half way along the lower run.
I saw the tight link too , center lower run .

Good idea and good luck with it . I'd fit some kind of a dial valve to control any dripping , or to close it off / on .
Gearbox oil is a good choice . 140 W. swingarm oil is what I wipe with a rag onto the Iwis final drive chain nowadays . Doesn't fling off . Sprays usually do .
Enjoy .
How is it possible to lubricate the inner links on a sealed X ring chain?
You can't.
At least not before (some of) the seals begin to fail, so why bother, right?
Reading up on chain lubing made me change my mind ( for now..)
The oiler will lube the rollers, make the chain run cooler and maybe prevent the x rings from drying out.

the perceived kink in the lower run is due to friction, and quite normal on an O or X- ring chain.
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I'd fit some kind of a dial valve to control any dripping , or to close it off / on .
Oil flow is controlled by the foam:
2 cc takes around 10 km to flow out. After that it is dry.
If it flows faster in hot weather, I will use more foam.
I could fix a tapered rod/needle to the plug to limit or shut off the flow, but I will try it first like it is.
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I am using the same X-ring chain that you have and have been pleased that it has not stretched at all after 10,000 miles. I remove it about every 4,000 miles and wipe it off with WD-40 but after reading what you have found I will be keeping my eye on it. I still like the way they last plus keeping the rear wheel clean.