Can't see motorcycles on ebay ?

Sep 23, 2019
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Hi All,

I like browsing the interweb looking at various bikes specifically Nortons and triumphs, but have found that I cant see any on the ebay US sight,(this has been the case for a while ) and now I cant see any on the ebay UK site. this is most annoying as I like drooling over the bikes as we dont see many listed here in NZ.
Does anyone one know why this is the case ? I'm in NZ, have brought and sold on both ebay US/UK so dont know why I can't see these bikes.. the search just come up with 0 nortons shown after searching in the norton drop down column of motorcycles .
I have not changed any settings on my laptop.

Any suggestions apprecated, I need my Norton fix ! :p
"Your wife has you blocked! LOL I can see them!"
That's funny, made me think of this....

Can't see motorcycles on ebay ?
Ebay lockout overseas viewers [IP address] from seeing listings that are not worded as being able to export, it has been this way for a while therefor I do not bother to use or search Ebay.
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Now now fella’s……… guilty as charged !!! , possm I think you may be right , it’s a nusiance tho , norton commandos are very hard to come by in NZ unless your in the know and have heaps of $$
Try going to the local ebay site eg or .com and signin, doing this I can view items that show as UK or US shipping only but I did setup accounts a long time ago.
Hi Kommando tried this , apparently they have blocked any bikes that are not avalible for wordwide shipping.....Which is most of them .
