BSA Rocket 3..a start

Nov 20, 2012
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Bought a restored BSA A75R late 68 in February ,it has sat until today when I fitted a Triples unlimited OPG and gave it a run and it is the worst bike I have ever ridden in any condition! But on the bright side I do blame myself as I did feel that things were not quite as they seem nothing to speak of , just a feeling. It is the first bike that I have worn a crash helmet to run up and down the farm road. The head stock bearings seem noisey , clutch poor ,twist grip heavy as hell. It did however fire up easy enough and produced good oil pressure, but was smokey and took a while for the idle to settle, the carbs probably need a good going over. The ignition switch seems past it also. The bars seem very wobbly not in the least bit like a t160.
Maybe I was expecting a ride like the trident which it may well be at some point but at the moment it is very poor. This is the first restored bike I have bought and I did think it was not the best move to make at the time but it is mine now and I do intend to get it sorted.


BSA Rocket 3..a start

And I tripped pushing it back in the garage and knocked my 71 over and damaged the tail light Assy and broke the number plate, but the Beeza didn't go over and a pile of storage boxes and a speed triple broke the 71's fall. The speedys mudguard and wheel suffered only scrapes.
Sure LOOKS nice.

It'll be nice to hear it's all sorted and running as it should (which is, AS nice as a T150/160)
grandpaul said:
Sure LOOKS nice.

It'll be nice to hear it's all sorted and running as it should (which is, AS nice as a T150/160)

Cheers Paul , that's good to know. The engine itself sounds fine but there is a grumble from the primary at tickover and low revs but goes away at just approaching 2000 rpm and when you pick away it seems you are in third, must be clutch(I hope)I am going to oil the twist grip and throttle cable and get a venhill featherlight for the clutch while I have a gander in the primary. But as you say it is a good looking cycle.

You probably need to fettle the carbs and ignition timing to make sure it's all proper. Steering bearings are a simple matter to count 20 good balls each in th top & bottom, repack with good moly grease, and go.

The clutch "nail" on them can wear and affect the clutch, you need to research it (might be a contributing issue). I have a stray one that might be serviceable, you are welcome to it, but you have to do the research and measuring/comparison (and pay postage). You ought to put your geographical location in your profile, I assume you're in the U.S...
The low rev grumble is possibly clutch shock absorber rubbers failed. Look out for rubbery sludge in the chaincase but you will have to dismantle the unit to check.Heavy throttle action could be due to heavy duty throttle slide return springs , the last thing you need on a triple.
good looking bike.
trident sam said:
The low rev grumble is possibly clutch shock absorber rubbers failed. Look out for rubbery sludge in the chaincase but you will have to dismantle the unit to check.Heavy throttle action could be due to heavy duty throttle slide return springs , the last thing you need on a triple.
good looking bike.

Cheers for that Sam. The twist grip action is nothing like my T160 I'll oil it up etc and if no improvement change the springs. As for the clutch I will get the bike in the workshop in about a week or so and have it to bits , it does not sound healthy. Thanks again

Well Paul I am in the land of the purple heather, where men are men and sheep are nervous, Scotland , Ayrshire Burns country an a' that. Thanks very much for the offer though, it is appreciated.

Might be useful for you to go over to
sign up there is a lot of useful info there and several
well versed members who can be of great assistance.
Few bikes need a good toolroom more than a Trident.