Broken Bolt under the Engine: any help on how to replace it?

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Mar 27, 2011
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dear All,
I just found out that I broke a long bolt under the engine, which is also fitting the frame (please see pictures below)
It seems that there's no space to take it out and fitting the new again since there's not much space in between the frame tubes and the engine.
Furthermore, it is a bolt and not a stud, to mainly the issue is about the head
Any suggestion to avoid to dismantle the entire engine for a bolt? Thank you!

Broken Bolt under the Engine: any help on how to replace it?

Broken Bolt under the Engine: any help on how to replace it?

Broken Bolt under the Engine: any help on how to replace it?
Re: Broken Bolt under the Engine: any help on how to replace

You will have to remove the isolastic through bolts and the front mount and raise the engine to get a new bolt in there. The head steady will also need to be removed.

Use only grade 8 or better hardware for this and the two bolts above this. Jim
Re: Broken Bolt under the Engine: any help on how to replace

comnoz said:
You will have to remove the isolastic through bolts and the front mount and raise the engine to get a new bolt in there. The head steady will also need to be removed. Use only grade 8 or better hardware for this and the two bolts above this.
I don't think you have to disturb the REAR iso, do you? I thought after removing the top steady and pulling the front iso through bolt, the engine SHOULD tip up just enough to wiggle that bottom rear bolt out of the engine?
Re: Broken Bolt under the Engine: any help on how to replace

grandpaul said:
comnoz said:
You will have to remove the isolastic through bolts and the front mount and raise the engine to get a new bolt in there. The head steady will also need to be removed. Use only grade 8 or better hardware for this and the two bolts above this.
I don't think you have to disturb the REAR iso, do you? I thought after removing the top steady and pulling the front iso through bolt, the engine SHOULD tip up just enough to wiggle that bottom rear bolt out of the engine?

You might just be able to get it out of there -if you don't mind scrapes on the top of the frame tube.
Re: Broken Bolt under the Engine: any help on how to replace

What a bummer. Some things just take several layers of disassembly to access on these old gals.
Have you contemplated why it broke in the first place? They are susceptible to shearing if they get loose. I can't tell from the pictures if your cradle has been powder coated, if so they can never be tight enough and the powder coating will need to be removed from the area the bolt assembly contacts the cradle.
Re: Broken Bolt under the Engine: any help on how to replace

When mine broke I was able to get it in past the frame tube without too much of an issue. I think I placed a piece of copper flashing over the frame and it kind of rolled when I inserted the bolt. I guess I got lucky and did not damage the paint. My problem came from the exhaust pipe I had to loosen it slightly and leverage it down a little. Good luck with your repair.
Re: Broken Bolt under the Engine: any help on how to replace

Could you saber saw the bolt head off push it back out the timing side and insert the new one the opposite direction, or would the frame still interfere? Sitting here in the easy chair sipping as IPA and too damn slothful to go out in the garage and look. Or use a long stud and two nuts? Damn I am a lazy shit today.
Re: Broken Bolt under the Engine: any help on how to replace

I had to replace one of those too. From memory I cut the head off with a cutoff wheel and punched it out, jacked the engine up in the frame and inserted a new bolt from the timing side. May have still been a bitch to get over the frame but got it in and torqued up ok. Looking at the photo, is there a washer under the Allen head bolt?
Re: Broken Bolt under the Engine: any help on how to replace

Danno said:
.......... Or use a long stud and two nuts? Damn I am a lazy shit today.
........these threads crack me up, I love this forum. Well you may be lazy today Danno, but that option might just be the easiest way to get him back on the road.

That is, provided he can get a stud with the right grip length ( not threaded rod ). We used to have a Pettigrew-Smith auto parts store out in north Houston that really had a good selection of hardware in stock/on hand, maybe you have somewhere like that close to you Lorenzo.
Re: Broken Bolt under the Engine: any help on how to replace

cjandme said:
Danno said:
.......... Or use a long stud and two nuts? Damn I am a lazy shit today.
........these threads crack me up, I love this forum. Well you may be lazy today Danno, but that option might just be the easiest way to get him back on the road.

Never fault the lazy man-he invented every power tool and labor-saving device on the planet. Probably thought them up while drinking a beer.
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