British Conclave

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Jerry Doe

May 21, 2003
Here near Denver they have a meet of British classic bikes and cars. I was going to enter my 850. Got it up on the ramp to clean it and found bushes or isolastics very loose. Something happened to it when I was riding home the other day.

So I decided to take the 750 instead. Last time I rode it, broke down in the mountains, without a spark. I went through all the wiring since then and could not find anything wrong. Went for a 10 mile test ride this morning, running great. Cleaned it all up for the show tomorrow. Left to fuel up and it died out side my house. No spark, same as when I broke down in the mountains. Decided it could be the coil. Borrowed the coil from my 850 and it fired right up. I am hoping that was my issue, now solved. Not convinced. Taking tools this time. Looking forward to the show. Will take some pics if I make it lol

British Conclave
always take tools ...btw your ignition switch position is very cool, but surely not standard
always take tools ...btw your ignition switch position is very cool, but surely not standard
I made that plate behind the carbs to hold the switch. It was stainless, bent it so the switch would fit there and got it powder coated. There is plenty of room behind for the switch as I only use a small lithium battery. Worked out well.
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I made that plate behind the carbs to hold the switch.It was stainless, bent it so the switch would fit there and got it powder coated. There is plenty of room behind for the switch as I only use a small lithium battery. Worked out well.
yes that is much neater than my solutionwhich was to use tank cutter tomake large hole in battery cover,and switch bolts on . why? Ido not like switches in positions that do not fall readily to hand when riding..
Here near Denver they have a meet of British classic bikes and cars. I was going to enter my 850. Got it up on the ramp to clean it and found bushes or isolastics very loose. Something happened to it when I was riding home the other day.

So I decided to take the 750 instead. Last time I rode it, broke down in the mountains, without a spark. I went through all the wiring since then and could not find anything wrong. Went for a 10 mile test ride this morning, running great. Cleaned it all up for the show tomorrow. Left to fuel up and it died out side my house. No spark, same as when I broke down in the mountains. Decided it could be the coil. Borrowed the coil from my 850 and it fired right up. I am hoping that was my issue, now solved. Not convinced. Taking tools this time. Looking forward to the show. Will take some pics if I make it lol

View attachment 81917
Nice looking motorcycle!
I made that plate behind the carbs to hold the switch.It was stainless, bent it so the switch would fit there and got it powder coated. There is plenty of room behind for the switch as I only use a small lithium battery. Worked out well.
Do I see a toggle switch behind your key switch? I really like that set-up you made as I would love to eliminate the back plate of the ham can air cleaner that holds the stock ignition switch.Mine is with a CNW starter
Do I see a toggle switch behind your key switch? I really like that set-up you made as I would love to eliminate the back plate of the ham can air cleaner that holds the stock ignition switch.Mine is with a CNW starter
Jeez Mike - you must have good eyes! ;)
Do I see a toggle switch behind your key switch? I really like that set-up you made as I would love to eliminate the back plate of the ham can air cleaner that holds the stock ignition switch.Mine is with a CNW starter
No toggle switch. It’s a reflection.
What a great day. I was in heaven at the British Conclave. The 750 ran really well, 40 miles down the freeway at 85 there and back and some nice windies in Arvada where I was lost. That 750 is so nice to ride, I look down sometimes and am doing 8,500 rpm. That’s no problem, (thanks Jim).

I took a few photos for those that are interested. Here you go:
Here near Denver they have a meet of British classic bikes and cars. I was going to enter my 850. Got it up on the ramp to clean it and found bushes or isolastics very loose. Something happened to it when I was riding home the other day.

So I decided to take the 750 instead. Last time I rode it, broke down in the mountains, without a spark. I went through all the wiring since then and could not find anything wrong. Went for a 10 mile test ride this morning, running great. Cleaned it all up for the show tomorrow. Left to fuel up and it died out side my house. No spark, same as when I broke down in the mountains. Decided it could be the coil. Borrowed the coil from my 850 and it fired right up. I am hoping that was my issue, now solved. Not convinced. Taking tools this time. Looking forward to the show. Will take some pics if I make it lol

View attachment 81917
Oh, she fine, fine, fine! We never liked the 'detuned', 'fuglyeed up-lookin' 850 where I grew up (I include this not to offend, but to amuse).

My question relates to the use of both side stand and center stand in the above picture. The side stand on my '72 swings far to the righ (center stand is up) if I use just the side stand. It happens because the stop at the pivot end of the side stand is excessively worn. It needs to be welded up and filed down to make a positive stop to prevent the stand from going too far which prevents the use of the stand. Do you also have this issue?

Bill Walker

PS Thanks Jerry. This site is THE BALLS!
Sweet day out.

Couple of questions:

Were there any British bike owners at the show that had hair color other than White? ;)

I don't have a tach. At what speed and in what gear are you hitting 8500 rpm on that 750?

Before the CNW dual coil finally failed had you been on rides where it felt like the ignition was switched off and back on quickly? Just trying to get a bead on how dual coils act before they fail repeatedly.
Our youngest Norton member still has black hair.

My speedo is broken. I switched back to analog speedo after the electronic failure, then the recovery truck driver broke my cable last month. I would say that I hit 8,500 easily in second. Third probably about 90 MPH (a guess). I don't ride it much over 90 due to deer and crappy drivers and dont rev it that much often, only by accident. Happens after I drink coffee. Its the fastest commando I have owned and revs very freely. Its got a 21 countershaft sprocket, so you can probably work out the speed from that.

Last question about the coil. It had about 3000 miles on it. I had not been on rides where it switched on and off. It just switched off. I think it might have been related to the failure of electronic speedo somehow, but not sure how. It might be coincidence, but speedo failed just before coil.
Were there any British bike owners at the show that had hair color other than White?
:):) :rolleyes:
Oh, she fine, fine, fine! We never liked the 'detuned', 'fuglyeed up-lookin' 850 where I grew up (I include this not to offend, but to amuse).

My question relates to the use of both side stand and center stand in the above picture. The side stand on my '72 swings far to the righ (center stand is up) if I use just the side stand. It happens because the stop at the pivot end of the side stand is excessively worn. It needs to be welded up and filed down to make a positive stop to prevent the stand from going too far which prevents the use of the stand. Do you also have this issue?

Bill Walker

PS Thanks Jerry. This site is THE BALLS!
I took the side stand off my 750. I have a good chrome one if you want to buy it?
...and I noticed all the bikes were like new. Shows that old folks have toy well as not riding in the wet.
I took the side stand off my 750. I have a good chrome one if you want to buy it?
I'm laughing as I took mine off and haven't bothered to fix it, but thanks just the same! And I would have to remove the chrome (which would be a shame). Why? A flashy looking guy like Mr. Doe can pull off that 'chrome kickstand' look. It's "Wow! Now THAT is one cool dude on one sweet ride!" Put me on the same bike and it's "What an asshole! He f'n chromed his kickstand!" (Please laugh!). Seriously both man and machine are very handsome, Doe's White (sic) hair notwithstanding.

Bill Walker
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