Boyer Box location

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Apr 15, 2009
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Boyer Box location

Someone posted this on Facebook and I thought it was interesting. In all my Norton years I had never seen someone try this which means it's relatively novel, or I wasn't paying attention. They had proposed a foam box to hold the Boyer box under the coils. Not a lot of people liked the idea of enclosing the box in foam. Now I still had the unused condenser pack still on the bike. I took off the two bolts and with a simple zip tie and foam pad relocated the Boyer box. It's more stable than sitting on the frame (with a single zip tie the box doesn't stay in place), gets great air flow and even looks better.

You only have to worry about the four captive nuts but the foam pad mitigates those.

I will say the coil bracket arraignment is one of the more over-engineered parts on the bike. Maybe hanging the coils out like that put a lot of stress on the brackets.
Someone posted this on Facebook and I thought it was interesting. In all my Norton years I had never seen someone try this which means it's relatively novel, or I wasn't paying attention.

I'd have said that would be a fairly obvious place to put it, and where the Pazon Sure-Fire box is on my Mk3 and where the Boyer box was when I bought my Mk3 more than 20 years ago.
Boyer Box location

Also where the Lucas RITA box would normally be mounted (on its own rubber-mounted bracket).
Foam wraping is not good for cooling. This boyer mount I made about 20 years ago for my friends 73 commando still is working today. Here is the first sheet: The actual fabrication drawing is misplaced It has been posted on the internet several times. I'll try and find it.. Slip the boyer box in and zip one tie wrap and done. Super easy to pull out and trouble shoot if needed.
My newer MK1V Boyer sits there cable tied , no foam.
The earlier model black box died soon after I bought the bike. It was wrapped in foam and tape and failed a bench test.
That's why I prefer the Pazon fits neatly into the coil bracket. With a Boyer I cut a small wooden block to clear the 4 threaded bosses. I use button head allens all around (8 of them) and everything can be taken apart and put back together very quickly. Another big time saver is to use 3 5/16 button head allens to mount the footpeg on the left hand side. Remove two allens., crack the third and the footpeg swings down out of the way.
Foam wraping is not good for cooling. This boyer mount I made about 20 years ago for my friends 73 commando still is working today. Here is the first sheet: The actual fabrication drawing is misplaced It has been posted on the internet several times. I'll try and find it.. Slip the boyer box in and zip one tie wrap and done. Super easy to pull out and trouble shoot if needed.
Foam wrapping is bad, which is why I just used it for padding on one side.
I have always avoided that location due to nervousness about possible interference from the coils affecting the black box, it seems i was worried about nothing.
Foam wraping is not good for cooling. This boyer mount I made about 20 years ago for my friends 73 commando still is working today. Here is the first sheet: The actual fabrication drawing is misplaced It has been posted on the internet several times. I'll try and find it.. Slip the boyer box in and zip one tie wrap and done. Super easy to pull out and trouble shoot if needed.
ADDED: dimensional drawing
Slip the boyer in and hold with one tie wrap, wires point toward the engine.

Boyer Box location
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