Gday gents, wondering you could help with carby settings on my 1965 Atlas 750. The bike was fitted with 2 689 Monoblock non matching carbys when I acquired it. I have gone with one 689/15 carby on a dual manifold. Starts and ideals ok but it’s very rich . The jetting is as follows.
MJ-340, slide -689/3, throttle needle -D(top clip)
Jet holder-106. Needle jet 25.
The previous owner chromed the slides , so if I need a bigger cutaway I may have to machine it myself .
Would anyone have any ideas of jetting please .
I will post pictures on my
Condo’s Old Timer Model Page , if that helps.
MJ-340, slide -689/3, throttle needle -D(top clip)
Jet holder-106. Needle jet 25.
The previous owner chromed the slides , so if I need a bigger cutaway I may have to machine it myself .
Would anyone have any ideas of jetting please .
I will post pictures on my
Condo’s Old Timer Model Page , if that helps.
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