Atlas clutch cup spring adjustment nut adjustment

Jul 28, 2011
Hey guys,
I'm finally trying to get everything back together, and I've got a question about the spring adjustment nut adjustment. The manual I've got has the alignment cut off. It says "the adjustment nut should be flush with the sprin" and then it cuts off. I'd like to assume that it's saying it should be flush with the "spring cup", but we all know what happens when you assume. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

Thanks in advance!
An alternative Norton twins manual gives the following information:

Screw up nuts until studs come up just flush with end of nuts, and adjust as necessary to ensure square withdrawal of pressure plate.
I'd be curious to know if the Commando diaphragm soring clutch is compatible with the Atlas primary drive. i'd think it would be a worthwhile improvement to an Atlas.
frankdamp said:
I'd be curious to know if the Commando diaphragm soring clutch is compatible with the Atlas primary drive. i'd think it would be a worthwhile improvement to an Atlas.

If I had one to test, I'd be willing to give it a shot! :mrgreen: I'll be adjusting the clutch later today (hopefully).
It has been tried, to fit a commando clutch you need to change the gear box mainshaft to a commando one as it is longer but in doing so loose any shock absorbing afect as you have no cush drive, and with the triplex chain was rumoured to break main shafts.
Thanks for that feedback Possm. I hadn't realised the Commando gearbox was that different from the Atlas. Scuttlebutt around N-V was that as little as possible other than the frame had been changed to save money!