There was a popular motorcycle building show that attracted more viewers by focusing on the father/son fighting rather than the motorcycle stuff . Sadly the producers push this for ratings and don’t care about the collateral damage to families.
I live on the coast and know the people featured on a commercial fishing show a few years back . The son of one of our friends was the “ greenhorn “ on the featured vessel and the producers made him a stooge and publicly made a fool of him when in fact he was a good young man .Thankfully the show only lasted a season or two . He suffered for years from this false image.
A very common practice...most reality shows have very little to do with reality. Tightly regulated, scripted and directed to create a specific scenario/trash the producers hope will continue to draw ratings...and advertisers.
I quit watching Orange County Choppers because the father son conflict was too disruptive/hostile and MC builds were on the back burner...another reason the show was cancelled.
The only game show, if you want to call it that, that I watch is Jeopardy, only because its graded by knowledge rather than greed or stupidity.. One thing I have noticed though, the younger the contestant the less they know about our immediate history. Three contestants, all in their mid/late 40s could not identify Dwight Eisenhauer's picture

.....and they NEVER ask any Norton questions.
Jeopardy is one of the very few good ones.
I have been watching that show since I was a kid. I still watch once in a while these days but with the grandkids around so much we have a TV curfew in our home as to when it can come on and when it gets shut off.
Proven ways to increase rating, Low cut tops and tight jeans. Bay watch and Charlies Angels prove that! (sorry showing me age)
And...if you tune in any network "news" show (its not news) and check out the babes sporting "a pair of high heeled shoes and a low neck sweater" - (The Beatles) you can get your fill of all the leg, cleavage and provocative wardrobe you want.
The talking heads are just that, most have have little or no journalistic background or education.
The networks lift the stories from the well known print media or unsubstantiated plagiarized social media posts then present it as fact.
Remember the story of the Israeli rocket that took out the Palestinian hospital(?)...all BS.
I make my livin' off the evenin' news
Just give me somethin', somethin' I can use
People love it when you lose
They love dirty laundry
Well, I coulda' been an actor, but I wound up here
I just have to look good, I don't have to be clear
Come and whisper in my ear
Give us dirty laundry..................................................................
A couple of lyric passages from the song "Dirty Laundry" by Don Henley of The Eagles, written in 1982