Arthitritic Pain Relief


"Sons of Arthritus"
Jan 14, 2004
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Happy New Year guys.
Had an Arthitic Flair up on my left knee right after Christmas.
Could hardly walk. Making it worse I was out of town.
Picked up some Generic Voltaren cream at the local Rite Aid.
This stuff is the REAL DEAL... I had used Australian Dream in the past. This is way better...
Instructions say 4 times a day for 21 days, may take 7 days to work.....
First application, nothing, 3-4 hours later, second application, about an hour later, loosening up.
Third application, working good.

It is powerful stiff that used to be presciption only, now over the counter.
Do not mix with other stuff.

My new best friend......
I have arthritis all over. You never know when and where it's going to hit you. That's the least of my worries. Spinal stenosis in the cervical and lumbar spines, which affects arms and legs. The last time I kickstarted my 850 was in 2018. New motor. Once it started, the pain went away. Around the same time, I started researching CBD. I bought some salve from a guy on Ebay, it was awesome, but $80 for an 8oz jar. Then after I found out the ingredients, I researched how to make my own. I came up with this site. In the end I researched more and came up with a recipe. I made a few batches, and they were superior to what I was paying $80 an 8 ounce jar for. Instant relief for muscle pain and arthritis. If only for a few hours, it gets me going. It's a process to make but doesn't take more than a couple hours. In the mean time once you research like I did you can try some of this. .
If you did your research and decide to make your own, which I suggest, it's nothing more than like baking a cake. P.S. you can get your hemp from You have to gather all your essential oils, cheese cloth, bees wax etc.. But you won't be disappointed. CBD does not get you high and is tottaly legal.
I'm on Diclofenac (active ingredient in Voltaren) 75mg x2 daily, the shit keeps me moving
I used to use that but I became allergic to it
I really couldn't believe it when that happened !
Of all the things to become allergic to FFS
Luckily ibuprofen works well for me
And cocodomol
Good to hear. My dad and grandfather had terrible arthritis, crippling and disfiguring. I'm lucky, 63 and no signs. He said my mom mongreled me up. Good for mom. And him, to think of it.
I meant to type this info earlier - a few years ago when I started having serious lumbar issues a similarly clapped out work colleague was extolling the virtue of diclofenac and gave me some of his to try out, big doses and I liked it a lot !

I asked my Doctor to prescribe it ... he refused as he said it was strongly associated with heart and stroke issues.

I ended up being prescribed with Co-codamol, Gabapentin and Amitriptyline as a cocktail to use as and when, trouble is these pills want to make me sleep and do olympic gold medal standard zombie impersonations plus they also bung me up if I take too many.

Better to be grumpy than dosed up so I practice the not so noble black art of gritting my teeth and pretending I'm in a " Rocky " film ( no pain ... no pain ) with the trade off being I'm able to have a " shite " on a regular basis instead of once a month ... Lol !!!
The only over the counter thing that works for me is aspirin. Dangerous as I almost died from bleeding ulcers several years ago and I'm on blood thinners right now.

Still, when it gets too bad, 1000mg of aspirin is the answer. All the standard non-narcotic drugs either do nothing, cause allergic reactions, or have intolerable side effects. I do on occasion get steroids which are fabulous but terrible long-term.

I never take narcotic pain killers - I've had them prescribed after operations several times, but I have never filled them.
Thanks Greg will have to have another go at using Aspirin.

Used to use it years back before my current issues and liked ( and subsequently forgotten about ) it .

I used to buy " Phensic " which was an aspirin and caffeine mix pill which really worked but nowadays no longer sold.

Buying aspirin ( and other stuff ) nowadays in the UK is a painus in the anus !!

You are restricted to buying only 2 packs of 16 pills in one transaction which doesn't last anyone long at all.

A few years back my aged grandmother used to use Phensic a lot and I'd get them from the shops / chemist / wherever .... then .... one day I went in and asked for her usual bottle of 100 pills and the assistant looked aghast - I was told I couldn't buy that many only two packs of 16

Basically the nanny state had decided that if they restricted supply folks wouldn't be able to overdose and commit suicide !!! Doh !
I have issues with my hands from time to time. Bought a CBD cream and it worked OK. only problem is I drive a municipal public transit bus and am subject to random drug testing. Supervisor has warned us it will trigger a positive use on the test and since we are zero tolerance it's one and done. Bummer.
I have issues with my hands from time to time. Bought a CBD cream and it worked OK. only problem is I drive a municipal public transit bus and am subject to random drug testing. Supervisor has warned us it will trigger a positive use on the test and since we are zero tolerance it's one and done. Bummer.
I was on tramadol for a while,8 a day
They took the pain away alright but it was like being a bit pissed all time
I work in fabrication and I operate a 10 ton crane aswell as using a fairly large lathe and milling machine etc
The directions say do not operate machinery and I could see why
I went cold turkey in the end and flushed them
I could feel I was becoming addicted