Air filter front plate

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Oct 10, 2018
Country flag going with CNW single Mikuni on my 1970 Roadster.Therefore dumping air cleaner, in favour of one supplied.Is anyone aware of a trick air filter front plate(without cutouts) that I can use to cover front of oil tank.Those brackets on rear plate look unsightly, or do I just cut them off?
I have seen a tidy mod that might work for you.
Buy new front filter plate with single hole available here:
Colin Kelly makes these parts, and it is all first class. He can tell you more about the product.
Use a pancake K&N filter. Filter sits inside stock air filter body.
Looks totally stock.

Stephen Hill
Victoria BC going with CNW single Mikuni on my 1970 Roadster.Therefore dumping air cleaner, in favour of one supplied.Is anyone aware of a trick air filter front plate(without cutouts) that I can use to cover front of oil tank.Those brackets on rear plate look unsightly, or do I just cut them off?

Take a look on ebay
The Mikuni has a pancake,so I dont need any holes.Instead of welding hole up,Ill remove tags on oil tank.
I would recommend you not cut the tabs off. just run a very short bolt an washer into each threaded hole to give it the finished look. and that way you also preserve the potential reuse of mounting plate.
Coomo wrote: "The Mikuni has a pancake,so I dont need any holes.Instead of welding hole up,Ill remove tags on oil tank."

In the solution suggested above, you need a single hole in the front plate. You don't weld anything up. The stock air box (with single hole front plate) is assembled around the K&N air filter. When you are finished, all you see is the single mikuni, and the stock airbox. Sorry, don't have a photo.

Stephen Hill
My single Amal carb'd 850 has that single hole front cover plate. These seem to be available on line ebay etc. Not sure if proper Norton stockists carry them also. You may need to enlarge the hole for a Mikuni fitment.
My single Amal carb'd 850 has that single hole front cover plate. These seem to be available on line ebay etc. Not sure if proper Norton stockists carry them also. You may need to enlarge the hole for a Mikuni fitment.
Ah ok.All the Mikunis I was looking at ,had the single carb and just used the mikuni pancake filter.Not using the original air filter box.
Yes, I typically see single mik's setup up with the open style K&N pod filters. Even standard double Amal bike seem to run a double ended K&N pod quite commonly. They will be much easier to handle when balancing the two carbs, etc. The HamCan is a bear to wrangle with when performing any carb ops.
The HamCan is a bear to wrangle with when performing any carb ops.
Oh, man you said it. I plan on a day to take the carbs off and get that thing out. Prevents me from throwing tools into the next county and swearing at the cat.
I guess the effort is much higher when two carbs are in place. I do struggle with the single but not as bad as DogT seems to have. Removing the plate doesn't seem so hard...just need to rotate/angle it clear of everything. Toughest part seems to be refitting the rubber boot.
With the air cleaner and surround out have an assistant pull the front plate, with rubber connectors in place, forwards. You can then insert the filter/surround relatively easily. You, in all likelihood, will need to re-position the rubber connectors; I use a very blunt plain blade screw driver to facilitate correct placement of the connectors and some silicone spray.

Trying to do this by yourself is very akin to just THINKING about replacing the horn...
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