About cricket

I shout for anyone except England :D

You'd swear from they way " they " behave England and English sport was the most overwhelmingly important aspect of life in our solar system
What is cricket again??
A good friend of mine here in NZ(ex international player) set up a cricket academy that catered for Northern hemisphere players to be coached etc down here on their off season ...so he had bowling machines etc that you can wind the speed up and adjust direction
So mucking around I faced quite a few 100 mph + balls coming at you...landing short and coming for your head...I see why they use batting helmets...one thing was funny as ..my mate was loading tennis balls into the machine (actually was designed for) a couple hit me in the chops that made my mate that was laughing so much almost fell off the stand...I believe sports as such are good for kids which is also beneficial later in their lives
I was taught in all sports to play for keeps always as my opponents would be … this from age 6 when first lacing on skates …. the betting will ruin sports eventually ! …. playing for keeps in serious sports is the only way .
I was taught in all sports to play for keeps always as my opponents would be … this from age 6 when first lacing on skates …. the betting will ruin sports eventually ! …. playing for keeps in serious sports is the only way .
Yes betting will always be around and has changed games and leave it open to cheats, here in Aus sports betting ads on TV has gone overboard and getting out of control, can bet on anything these days and they don't care if people have a problem with betting, they are make big money from losers, but the worst thing these sport ads are on 24/7 on the TV kids come home from school and they are bombarded with betting ads, there is a big problem with people with an addiction to betting and the kids see that on TV and think its the way to make money, just like junk food ads pointed at kids.
You can't watch any sports on TV with out being bombarded with these sports bet ads in between play or 1/2 time breaks and the worst thing about gamblers you only here about their wins and never their loses, families have been broken up because gambling got in the way, I grew up with it, work mates losing their wages and of course the old one, it's a sure bet, heard it from the horses mouth.
But the GOV won't crack down on it as they get so much money off betting.

I must be a traitor to Australia - I hare cricket, football, beer and meat pies. We have some of the best wines and food in the world in Australia, and our wolen are lovely. You might think I am joking, but if you watch the attached video clip, the one wirth the curley hair is just like my ex, and the one with the straight hair behaves like my step-daughter.

What is cricket again??
Apparently it is where you get a haircut but don't pay for it.
Unless Alistair Cook is wrong (again!)
It seems that misdirected nitpicking is taking over from cricket in the UK.