A long strange trip........

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Jun 4, 2013
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Reading some of my old posts, took me back 9 years ago, when I just wanted to get the Combat running, and sell it.

then 2 years ago, when I just wanted to get it 100% roadworthy, and sell it.

To date:

new coils
new plug wires, caps
Pazon elec ignition
All new wiring harnesses
new petcocks
new fuel lines
new left passenger peg rubber
new shifter peg rubber.
All new instrument lights and sockets
new kicker rubber
new tires
new lic plate/turn signal mount
reinstalled turn signals (with much phone help from a kind gentleman in WV)
new relay
EZ pull clutch cable
new speedo cable
new rocker, primary, carb gaskets

(most this stuff NOS from Wheels Unlimited in Marion, MN, 30 miles from me. Everything Norton IN STOCK)

plus all the cleaning, adjusting, polishing.................

What this accomplished was......... refalling in love with the bike, to this end.........


Many thanks to all that provided advice and encouragement.
Reading some of my old posts, took me back 9 years ago, when I just wanted to get the Combat running, and sell it.

then 2 years ago, when I just wanted to get it 100% roadworthy, and sell it.

To date:

new coils
new plug wires, caps
Pazon elec ignition
All new wiring harnesses
new petcocks
new fuel lines
new left passenger peg rubber
new shifter peg rubber.
All new instrument lights and sockets
new kicker rubber
new tires
new lic plate/turn signal mount
reinstalled turn signals (with much phone help from a kind gentleman in WV)
new relay
EZ pull clutch cable
new speedo cable
new rocker, primary, carb gaskets

(most this stuff NOS from Wheels Unlimited in Marion, MN, 30 miles from me. Everything Norton IN STOCK)

plus all the cleaning, adjusting, polishing.................

What this accomplished was......... refalling in love with the bike, to this end.........


Many thanks to all that provided advice and encouragement.
OK, one done - time for another - an 850? Time to catch the disease for real!
Really liked my 2 750's because they spun up so quickly compared to the 850 . which I now have. I'm thinking of lightening up the crank.
Reading some of my old posts, took me back 9 years ago, when I just wanted to get the Combat running, and sell it.

then 2 years ago, when I just wanted to get it 100% roadworthy, and sell it.

To date:

new coils
new plug wires, caps
Pazon elec ignition
All new wiring harnesses
new petcocks
new fuel lines
new left passenger peg rubber
new shifter peg rubber.
All new instrument lights and sockets
new kicker rubber
new tires
new lic plate/turn signal mount
reinstalled turn signals (with much phone help from a kind gentleman in WV)
new relay
EZ pull clutch cable
new speedo cable
new rocker, primary, carb gaskets

(most this stuff NOS from Wheels Unlimited in Marion, MN, 30 miles from me. Everything Norton IN STOCK)

plus all the cleaning, adjusting, polishing.................

What this accomplished was......... refalling in love with the bike, to this end.........


Many thanks to all that provided advice and encouragement.
Glad to see you are keeping the m/c as they are a pure joy to ride when sorted out.
You nailed it Mike. We went on about an 80 mile ride yesterday- my wife rode the Norton and it ran as good as I can get it. Couple of times on a good st away told her to let her rip, and she did lol.Stopped mid trip to do a true clutch in plug test...still a tad rich, but brown enough I don't want to mess with it. A little rich is fine with me. Today a little longer run of 200 or so, my turn to ride it.
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