850 Rings Bore and Two Stroke oil break-in

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Oct 1, 2018
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Hi Everybody,
I have just rebored my barrels +.020, new EMGO pistons and Hastings rings. Dan Baisley at Baisely Performance, Portland Oregon, did a thorough cylinder head overhaul and it looks beautiful. The nice folks at the Bonneville Shop recommended running about an ounce per gallon of 2-stroke oil in the first tank of gas post-overhaul. What do you think about this idea?
Thanks a bunch,
Interesting, never heard of it before.
Which means nothing.
Curious to what others say....
That's one of the craziest thing I've heard. You risk fouling the plugs at best and glazing the cylinder walls at worst. Untold millions of engines have been broken in without this. If it worked the factories would do it. In a word, no.
If you’re gonna put oil in the petrol... use Castrol R...!

No idea if it helps with anything, but it smells like a Manx Norton !!

On a serious note, I don’t believe in the need. The engine oil should be more than enough to lubricate what need lubricating. Adding oil to petrol could do more harm than good by gumming up the inlet valves.
It's not a Lambretta!!!
This is a big no, and the reason is clear
Putting oil in the fuel R or otherwise will weaken the mixture going into the engine
2 stroke engines are jetted accordingly to reflect the oil content in the fuel
Oil in the combustion chamber promotes pre detonation, use a running in oil for first 250 then change to a good dino 20/50W then at about 1500 miles consider the change to synthetic.
Not heard of this before, I'm beginning to wonder if they were pulling your leg, but can see that an upper cylinder lubrication has its advantages- I sometimes put a dose of Redex in my tank, but then, that's just me, and probably a few hundred other car/bike owners.
A bit of two stroke oil in the petrol would definitely help the rings not bed in
When I had my 750 rebored I used running in oil as recommended
And I took it out and caned it
It was pretty cold that day but it has definitely worked for me
My bike uses very very little oil and it has never smoked at all
That was over 10,000 miles ago and reguly above 5000rpm but I don't go over 7000rpm if I can help it
Hi Everybody,
I think I will do it like my ancestors and forget the oil-in-the-gas idea. As Htown said, millions of engines have run in successfully without it. I will see if there is "run in oil" available locally. I am unfortunately a denizen of the provinces. The USA is systematically narrowing down to the 3 W's : Walmart, Walgreens and Wall Street.
Hi Everybody,
I think I will do it like my ancestors and forget the oil-in-the-gas idea. As Htown said, millions of engines have run in successfully without it. I will see if there is "run in oil" available locally. I am unfortunately a denizen of the provinces. The USA is systematically narrowing down to the 3 W's : Walmart, Walgreens and Wall Street.
What happened to Woolworths ?
1 oz per gal is over 100 to one mixture. (130 -1??)
I don't think it will hurt anything.
Consider it top oil for some valve lubrication.
Not so sure about helping ring seating.
Yes, it does lean out the fuel as the oil is displacing the fuel.
At over 100 to 1, not so sure it hurts if not giving it the beans, or go up a main or two for break in.
Does it hurt- No
Does it help- not sure
Again, I find it interesting.

Edit... I do agree FE, please, please use Castrol R...........
I use Castrol Go 20w/50 Motorcycle oil to break in, not a special break in oil. It's a nonsynthetic and is rated SG. Local auto parts stores generally have it in stock. The important thing is not to use an oil rated SL throught SN as they have friction reducers which will prevent the rings from seating. Use the SG rated oil up to 1500 miles then switch to synthetic if you want.
The idea of running in an engine is to bed the rings in. The quicker the better. When assembling the engine, oil the bores but don't oil the rings. Dont add oil to the petrol. When ready to go, find a winding hill. Work the engine hard and then back off. Do this several tiles for about 10-15 minutes and your bike will be run in. I never use synthetic oil in old crates like these, but that''s my choice.

Just think. The rings probably don't match the bores, so they are made with little grooves in them. The ridges formed in the rings will wear till there is full radial contact.'At that point, they have 'run in".

An ounce of oil per gallon is excessive in my mind. An ounce per tank full wouldn't hurt anything.

I'm not sure what I would do with a fresh motor. Probably wouldn't do it, because I'd forget I ever heard about it by the time I got around to putting fuel in the tank and starting it.

If the motor was assembled carefully, I don't know why you would ever need oil in the fuel at break in. I've never done it with a fresh motor of any kind other than a 2-stroke.
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