750 vs 850 head differences

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not without plugin the 4 outer head bolt holes and moving them farther out.
Thanks for the info, since I also have a set of 750 cylinders, looks like easiest proceedure would be to use both 750 heads and cylinder on the 850 cases and save any machining.
htown16 said:
Thanks for the info, since I also have a set of 750 cylinders, looks like easiest proceedure would be to use both 750 heads and cylinder on the 850 cases and save any machining.

You should have no problem doing that. The proper 750 cylinder base studs will simply screw into the holes for the 850 through bolts. I have a friend who raced a Rickman Norton, and regularly swapped between 750 and 850 top ends on the same bottom end to run in different classes. Putting the 750 top end on with the 850 crank will increase the balance factor a bit, but you'll probably never notice the difference, especially if it's in a Commando.

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