69 Commando oil tank lower mount

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Oct 18, 2013
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69 Commando oil tank has a bottom mount that goes into a recess on the Battery box It appears there should be some kind of rubber support or grommet to fit over the protrusion at the bottom but I cannot find any parts reference to it. Any assistance greatly appreciated
Ya must be a real newbie to adhere to manual errors/over sights or prim/proper expert advice as Norton oil tank bottom mount is a long known bad idea stress riser hazard for fatigue fracture leaks and interferes/overly stresses the main upper rubber cushioned fragile supports. It infamous source of fracture tank bottom leaks. Proven easy practical solution is elimination of bottom fixing bolt for robust grade of proper thickeness rubber cushion to seat on and only a fix at top mounts, which can be diddled/tweaked for least strain frame clearance. Cut a hole to accept the bottom boss in your custom cushion base to best least stress silent permanent solution. I had to put rubber cushions between frame/tank at top as Norton didn't seen to get it right in my two combat cases which made me think it was my incapacity until encountering a second time in a row. I think hi end vendors like CNW have kit pad for this.
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69 Commando oil tank has a bottom mount that goes into a recess on the Battery box It appears there should be some kind of rubber support or grommet to fit over the protrusion at the bottom but I cannot find any parts reference to it. Any assistance greatly appreciated

What model do you have? Is it a Fastback or a Roadster? The oil tank on a Fastback mounts on the right side of the frame while the oil tank on a Roadster is mounted behind the air box and looks a bit like a ham can.

John in Texas
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