1970 Commando special parts

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Dec 13, 2014
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On a 70 Commando there are some special parts e.g. the "halo" ring holding the headlamp.
It is fixed with two special nuts coveres with plastic caps on the lower front bridge.
As rare as hen´s teeth..
I found a suitable cap here: http://www.ebay.de/itm/161001353113...49&var=460164245261&ssPageName=STRK:MEBIDX:IT
When shortened a bit it looks almost like the original cap. Being a bit larger in the inner diameter it could be fixed on the nut with a dab of silicone or glue.

1970 Commando special parts
Nice find. My bike had a pair of originals until one day there was only one. I was thinking or turning down a couple sleeve nuts and it looks like you found the plastic cap.

I wonder where that design came from.

I have a spare pair of those white caps I'll sell to anyone who needs them
Oh miracles, oh wonders!
When you order this from Andover Norton or in my case from Nortonmotors.de:

1970 Commando special parts

you get this:

1970 Commando special parts

Brad new infamous special nuts with plastic covers! Arrrived yesterday!
So no more fiddling around with inferior substitutes!

Should have asked earlier..
Sometimes life is easy!
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