1966 Atlas rear wheel locks when i tighten the spindle from right side

Nov 10, 2012
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First time it happens.
1966 Atlas rear wheel locks when i tighten the spindle from right side.
The wheel turns free if i slackk the right spindle even if the brake drum dummy axle is well tighten.
Wheel locks also with the brake pedal free..
Thank you.
Was the wheel and brake working properly before?

Did you disassemble, or are you working with new (to you) parts?

Try removing the brake shoes just to eliminate that is not giving the problem.
Are all the bearings fully seated in their housing?
Could be the speedo drive or axle may not be shimmed correctly? I can't explain exactly how to do it. I have done it though.

I've had the speedo turn and lock up the rear wheel at 50mph. Very exciting!! I figured out how to shim the speedo after that happened. Unfortunately, it was a long time ago, and the details are fuzzy.

Bernhard or Slick probably know how to do it.

Opps, wrong rear hub. Could still be relevant though.
Opps, wrong rear hub. Could still be relevant though.
My thrill ride lock up was with a different rear hub is what I meant.

I found a washer that fit into the center of the speedo drive that allowed me to tighten up the axle against the non moving center of the speedo drive mechanism and still give clearance for the drive gear on the hub. In addition, I added another washer on the swing arm side of the speedo drive. My setup is different though. It's a Matchless hub. However, the general idea of what I did would be the same IMO. I'm sure somebody will let me know if I did it all wrong. :)
Take the speedo drive off and see if it still locks up. When it locks up, before you tighten completely, see if the speedo drive turns when you rotate the rear wheel - you may not have the speedo drive tabs lined up with the notches in the bearing retainer. Also maybe this picture helps.


  • 1966 Atlas rear wheel locks  when i tighten the spindle from right side
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Check to see how far off the right adjuster is compared to left. Check if the spindle is moving back off the adjuster when tightening and causing the brake plate to bind with the drum.

Could be the speedo drive or axle may not be shimmed correctly? I can't explain exactly how to do it. I have done it though.

I've had the speedo turn and lock up the rear wheel at 50mph. Very exciting!! I figured out how to shim the speedo after that happened. Unfortunately, it was a long time ago, and the details are fuzzy.

Bernhard or Slick probably know how to do it.

Opps, wrong rear hub. Could still be relevant though.
What i must check to adjust the speedo drive?.
Thank you.
Take the speedo drive off and see if it still locks up. When it locks up, before you tighten completely, see if the speedo drive turns when you rotate the rear wheel - you may not have the speedo drive tabs lined up with the notches in the bearing retainer. Also maybe this picture helps.
Problem is the new speedo drive.
What i must to do?.
I used washers to shim the speedo drive away from the hub about 2mm while keeping the rear wheel centered. The OD of the washers can't make contact with the mechanism that turns the gears in the speedo drive.

My case is probably different though. The speedo drive itself was not locked internally. It was locked against the hub, because the spindle was not shimmed correctly (wrong spacer sizes used) and the hub moved over enough on the spindle under power eventually to hit the speedo drive. The body of the speedo drive stopped the rear wheel from turning. Also bent the heck out of my speedo cable. Fortunately, I was riding on a straight stretch of road 1/2 mile from home. The P11 tracked perfectly skidding on the rear tire until it came to a stop. I was able loosen things up enough to push it home. Lucky I wasn't killed that day considering how far I rode the bike before that happened.

Taking my rear wheel off is a major operation. If it was easy, I'd show you exactly what I did and where the washers are placed.
Is the Speedo drive actually new old stock, or newly made copy?

If it was used by others before you obtained it, it could be distorted.

There was a thread on Speedo drive binding the hub. I have tried to find it, but the search function seems to be not working.

Do you have the correct “top hat” that goes with the speedo and sized to the axle? Listed as Spacer, Speedometer Gearbox NM13270.
Check this thread ....
