“TURN 6” at 14th Annual Barber Vintage Festival Oct. 6, 2018

Jan 21, 2016
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“TURN 6” Norton Owners, Norton Riders, Norton Racers, INOA members, and Norton Enthusiasts welcome. Come join us where everyone speaks NORTON!

Saturday, October 6, 2018 (Starts when the racers take their lunch break till 1:30pm)

During the racers lunch break at “NORTON HILL”, adjacent to Tram Stop #3, on turn 14 of the track.

We will have a INOA Membership Drive, “Big Dog” Luncheon, Snacks, Door Prizes, & Raffles.

The “Big Dog” Luncheon is available for Norton racers (free), Norton owners, enthusiasts, riders, INOA members and their guests for a nominal donation.

Custom designed Norton Plaque donated by Tony Gee to be raffled at 1:30 pm.
Colin Seeley is Grand Msrshall this year, so you Seeley Norton owners need to be there rrpresentin’

I am going to be bringing the Titanic in all it’s newly-painted glory if all goes as planned.
See you there! Just made all the arrangements. I might be a little run down? I get back from our European getaway Oct. 1

C-ya, Jer

We no longer have a Tram Stop at “Norton Hill”. You still need to get off at Tram Stop #3 which is at the Ace Corner Entrance now. We are just past where the Tram will drop you off and will have our “NORTON HILL” banner at our entrance. Our area is roped off with Union Jack flags.
Broken link removed

Brit bike auction in Georgia, Sept 29. If I was going to Barber . . . . .
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Jerry & Danno, make sure you drop by Norton Hill and ask for Barn or Maggie.
Gonna be busy pit crewing and showing my friend’s 350 Bighorn monocoque roadracer and possibly helping a couple other racers. Gonna have to parcel out time efficiently.
Great having lunch with the gang yesterday. Whoever missed this great event has my sympathy.